Saturday, February 11, 2006

entrepreneur's diet

MSP and I haven’t been eating right in the past few weeks because we’ve been working odd hours and getting less and less sleep. Together we have probably consumed about a bucket of sugar and preservatives. We’ve become regular customers at cheap (but good) eateries and buffets in and around Metro Manila. Aside from the asparagus stalks that come with most sashimis, we haven’t really eaten vegetables.

But today we decided to eat a decent meal in a nice little restaurant – probably our last decent meal before we die working for a whole week, apart from each other, nonstop, yet again. This is something worthy of documentation, I tell you. On regular days we stuff ourselves with greasy double cheeseburgers and eat in front of our computers.

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Jap, grilled salmon and some kind of steak


Anonymous Anonymous said...

when im working i can only think of three things: being with you, sleeping, and eating. in that order.


8:53 PM  
Blogger Ingrid C. said...

awwww :) now get back to work.

9:01 AM  

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